Sarah Mustoe Counselling In Cheltenham and Gloucester

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Psychodynamic Counselling and Energy Psychotherapy in Cheltenham and Gloucester

Through exploring experience and looking for meaning we gain a greater sense of ourselves and our potential


Hello, my name is Sarah Mustoe and I'd like to welcome you to my private counselling website. I'm a fully qualified and experienced pyschodynamic counsellor/therapist and provide counselling for individuals both in Cheltenham and Gloucester, also within easy reach of Tewkesbury, Cirencester and Stroud too. I'm an Accredited and Registered Member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) and abide by their code of ethics.

I hope you will find this counselling site useful to you and that it helps you in your decision to find the support that you need. There may be many questions or concerns about counselling that I don't manage to answer here so don't hesitate to contact me by email or by phone 07807 824519, I'll be very happy to hear from you. This may be the first important step towards making the changes to your life that you have been looking for.

Counsellor Cheltenham 07881 313537

The first step ...

The initial steps towards counselling or therapy are often fraught with concerns of what it all entails. You might wonder am I over-reacting? Is it right for me? Or will it help .... and how? You won't be on your own if you feel like this.

So my first thoughts when putting this website together were that I'd like to put your mind at rest and help you understand enough to make an informed decision about what you do now.

Is counselling the right thing for me?

Perhaps you're just wondering whether counselling or therapy might be the right thing for you, or maybe you've already been looking for a counsellor or therapist in Cheltenham or Gloucester or local to Tewkesbury, Stroud or Cirencester and you're not too sure where to start.

It might be that you are finding yourself being overwhelmed by even the smallest of problems and despite support from family and friends you're unable to find the resources and energy to get back on track, if indeed you ever felt you were on track.

Or perhaps it's difficult at times to believe that anything will ever change. You may even feel that there must be something wrong with you if you can't sort it out on your own. After all, everyone else seems to be coping, don't they?

.... If you can identify with any of these thoughts or feelings coming to counselling will give you the support to help turn things around

Giving yourself the time to come to counselling can bring greater self awareness and with it the opportunity for personal development and lasting change in your life

Counselling or therapy can make a huge difference

Below I have a listed some of the issues that counselling and therapy can help you with but I would be misleading you if I didn't then tell you that personality and psychological make-up is so much more complex than simply 'listing' problems. However, it is a helpful starting point. They include ...

  • Stress
  • Issues of confidence and low self-esteem
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Bereavement and loss
  • Trauma
  • Sexual, physical and psychological abuse 
  • Personal development and identity
  • Trust Issues
  • Relationship issues

    I'd like to reassure you that you will always be treated as a unique individual; it is my job to try to understand what it's like to be you. I do this by staying alongside you in the work whilst together, through exploration and reflection we make sense of what might be causing the problem and negotiate you towards a greater sense of clarity and the possibility of change.

    Counselling Gloucester 07881 313537

    Why come to counselling?

    Choosing to come to counselling is like giving yourself a gift. It allows you the opportunity to build a trusting relationship in a safe and non-judgemental space, a space away from the overwhelming thoughts and feelings of your every-day life. Here you will be encouraged to explore and reflect upon your patterns of behaviour in a way that leads to a growth in insight and understanding.

    It's in this accepting and supportive environment that a deepened self-awareness will create the possibility of greater potential and lasting change in how you lead your life. It may seem surprising how often we are reluctant to give ourselves the very thing that we need most; the gift of understanding ourselves in a way that permits us to start to change the way we engage firstly in our inner (internal) world and subsequently in our outer (external) world.

    ....There is nothing magic or easy about counselling; be prepared for some hard work and the occasional challenge. However, when something does shift or change it can make a very real difference to your wellbeing.

    Therapist Tewkesbury 07881 313537

    In the last year I have undertaken training in Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy and now integrate this gentle and effective method in my work wherever it feels it may be helpful in reducing anxiety and deep trauma

    The energy psychology dimension provides an additional perspective and method for rapidly clearing distress and the deep patterning in the psycho-somatic-energy system. (Phil Mollon - Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy)

    I'm a qualified and experienced psychodynamic counsellor/therapist, an Accredited Member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) and it's been my privilege to accompany clients on this unique journey, a journey I too have been fortunate enough to have experienced. I'm trained to work in both short-term and open-ended therapy as appropriate to your needs at any one time. As your counsellor I'm committed to providing a professional service in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment. I adhere to the BACP code of ethics. This document is available to read on the BACP website

    I counsel privately from established Counselling and Pyschotherapy practices in Royal Crescent, Cheltenham and in Westgate Street, Gloucester, both within easy reach of Tewkesbury, Cirencester and Stroud. The entrances are discreet and there is car parking available within walking distance.

    If you're looking for an experienced, professional and sensitive counsellor or therapist in the Cheltenham or Gloucester area, a counsellor you can put your trust in and know your thoughts and feelings will be received and considered respectfully and without judgement, I could be the right one for you.

    Thank you for taking the time to browse my website, I hope it has been of some help to you. I understand just how difficult it is to ask for help at times like this but urge you to accept some support. If you have any further questions or concerns about counselling or therapy I'm happy to talk things over with you without obligation. Please send an email or leave a message on my answerphone 07807 824519 - I will come back to you as soon as I can.

    With kind regards


    'It is never too late to become the person you might have been' (George Elliot)

    Counsellor Cheltenham - Counselling Gloucester - Therapist Tewkesbury - Cirencester


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